We know our minds change our bodies. But do our bodies change our minds?

1 minute


asks Amy Cuddy, Social Psychologist. Here is what she had to say about it:

Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes: In her study, she had groups adopt either a high power pose, or a low power pose for just two minutes. You can see what these poses look like in her Ted Talk (link below). Just two minutes led to these hormonal changes:

Risk tolerance: 85% of high those adopting a high power pose were willing to gamble. 60% of low those adopting a low power pose were willing to gamble.
Testosterone: there was a 20% increase after 2 minutes of adopting a high power pose and a 10% decrease for low power pose adopters.
Cortisol (the stress hormone): there was a 25% decrease for high power pose adopters and a 15% increase for low.

Non-verbals do govern how we think and feel about ourselves: Power poses may not increase your IQ, but they do impact your presence by bringing you to your true Self rather than to that sabotaging ego part of you that second guesses your every move or makes you feel like an imposter.

Think of what competitive athletes do when they cross the finish line to win: their arms stretch straight up into a V position, their bodies stretch upwards, and their chin raises a little. Do that first thing in the morning for 2 minutes, even before you press that snooze button or get up to pee.

Watch her Ted Talk.

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