Only through time, time is conquered

3 minutes


To conquer time is to transcend the temporal through an experience of the eternal, but it is only in time that the eternal can be met.

Corey Latta

Honoring time to conquer time seems paradoxical, but when we don’t honor it (when we dismiss the importance of it) is when we feel most enslaved by it.

I was shared a conversation once between a friend and her therapist. The friend said she couldn’t help it that she’s always late, and her therapist asked her, “do you have problems making your flights on time?” The friend said, “no,” to which the therapist said, “then you can help it.. you’re just being selfish.”

As it relates to tardiness, whether it’s for a meeting or for a project, we can break it down to The Waiting or Procrastinating (to go so you’re not too early, or because you believe that last-minute pressure fuels you), The Rushing (to meet deadline, to “sit” for a few more minutes, or to squeeze a few more mini-tasks in before leaving), and The Stressing (enough said). None of which feels good; they create anxiety, and procrastination time only exacerbates the mind.
More likely than a blow-out confrontation, a silent, mental note is taken against the latecomer by the influenced parties, tempting them the justification to be late next time. Respect for each other’s time and experience is downgraded to simple tolerance.

In honoring time, we honor ourselves as well as others. We honor the Divinity of, and elevate, the moment. We communicate care.
When we dive deeply into the present moment, time becomes generous, and what needs to get accomplished does because there is no distraction. There is no time wasted trying to settle into the moment again and again. We are fully invested in BEing: being the writer, being the mother, the task worker, the friend, the creative, the playmate. Time gives back in those moments, and the mundane becomes Divine. Judgement is replaced by love as we become what we do. When time is shared with others, the relationship gives fully to itself in those moments. And when the time is up, we move on to the next thing and find richness there. Each moment in time offers connection, accomplishment, and fullness. It creates a sense of boundlessness and freedom in the very act of honoring and keeping time.

Time contains the very thing we need to conquer what enslaves us in its request for accountability, presence and attention.

The next time you have to do something, consider assigning time to it. Need to clean out the closet? Decide to work on it for 20 minutes and set the timer. Need to write? Decide on 15 minutes. Or 30. Or 60. Kids want to play house? Same thing; enroll them in the time. Do not go over or under; it undermines the commitment and integrity of intention and of your word.
Set the timer, then forget about how much longer, what else needs to be done, what more important thing needs attention, where you’d rather be, how you can’t wait until you don’t have to do this anymore, where to go next…. instead, dive deep into your work or play.
Time will feel much longer than you think you had, and at the same time it won’t feel like it’s dragging.
You may discover that you always have the perfect amount of time.

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