It’s a spiritual problem

1 minute


The negative spin we have on things: the bad weather; the need to do laundry, pay bills, deal with our health insurance, spend money on fixing a car when we could have spent it elsewhere or better yet saved it; that we had to eat alone because our friends or loved ones had other plans, that we had to get up to follow through on a plan that we think we want etc, essentially puts us at the center of the Universe where we expect our desires for comfort and convenience to be catered to, and because it doesn’t…. because we can’t be bothered… we complain about them.

How we relate and respond to things, the stories we tell about ourselves and the world, the opportunities we seize in order to grow and manifest, and the gratitude we see in everything is spiritual.

2 responses to “It’s a spiritual problem”

  1. This is so timely for me. Sometimes I feel like you might be reading my mind with your posts. Thank you for your wisdom.

    1. Glad I could be of help, Atma Sita. I think we all go through these things together as a whole, meaning we are not alone in our experiences. This makes “mind reading” a little bit easier. 😉

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