What is working for you?

1 minute


When our lives become challenging, it is easy to see all of the things that are not working and to dwell in our weaknesses. When we allow ourselves to focus on those things for too long, our challenges become overwhelm, and then we question everything.
Focus on what is working. Focus on the blessings and the resources you currently have. You may argue that you don’t have any. Rest assured that you do. Look for them, this is important. Then dwell in the gratitude!
Next, identify what is working for you and why (or how), and see how you can apply the why (or how) in the other circumstances in your life. This may take some serious thought, but it is worth the investment. This is especially critical for those of you who don’t think you have the time. Because everything can be broken down into our projections and our processes. And when we change these, the rest just happens.
With love,

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